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News & Events

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Exciting news: Living Proof Becomes a Community Interest Company

March 2025

We are delighted to announce that Living Proof has been awarded official status as a Community Interest Company. 

A Community Interest Company (CIC) is a dedicated business model for social enterprises - organisations that prioritise community benefit and reinvest their profits back into the communities they serve. 


Becoming a CIC marks our strong commitment to running Living Proof as a not-for-profit organisation, for the good of the community. 


Our mission remains to raise awareness of the science of neuroplasticity and to spread hope for recovery. Our awareness-raising work is aimed at both patients experiencing chronic symptoms, and the practitioners who support them. 


Living Proof is run by a dedicated team of recoverees who all have lived experience of facing debilitating chronic symptoms - and recovering using the neuroplastic approach. We are passionate about helping others to heal by sharing neuroscience insights, recovery stories and healing tools and tips, and we are super-excited by our formal new status and how it can help support us in our mission.

Now Available: Preview Video for our CPD-Accredited Course for Practitioners 

October 2024

We recently launched a CPD-accredited introductory course for healthcare professionals on the neuroplastic approach to health and recovery. This course aims to help GPs and other HCPs better understand the neuroplastic - or mind-body - approach to health, and to know that there is, in fact, a way for their patients to reduce and resolve chronic pain and other persistent symptoms that are not responding well to traditional medical treatments. 


A short preview video for this course is now available, providing an overview of the course content and introducing the course author and presenter, Dr Sarah Hadfield, GP & Mind-body Practitioner. 


The course presents the neuroscience behind neurophysiological (mind-body) symptoms and conditions  - and offers advice and guidance on how to identify, diagnose and support patients with these conditions. 


For full information on the course, which is accredited by the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine, please visit our learning platform



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New Page Live on our Site - Living Proof's Recovery Wall

September 2025

This month, we are excited to launch a new page on our website - our 'Recovery Wall', where we collate stories of UK-based people who have recovered from a range of chronic symptoms using a neuroplastic approach. Check out the wall here


We were inspired to create this wall because we know how much recovery stories mean to people in the midst of their own healing journeys. They can provide so much hope, inspiration and encouragement. 


If you would like to add another brick to the wall to help inspire others, are based in the UK, and have already shared your story publicly elsewhere (in any format), we would love to hear from you! NB: We can support some elements of anonymous story sharing if you prefer, for example using your first name only or a photo without face. Please reach out to - and help us build our wall, brick by brick!

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New CPD-Accredited Course for Healthcare Professionals!

'Medicine & the Mind-Brain-Body Connection: a GP Education Series'

June 2024

As recoverees from a range of supposedly 'incurable' long-term conditions, we at Living Proof have had a long-standing goal to help GPs and other HCPs better understand the neuroplastic - or mind-body - approach to health, and to know that there is, in fact, a way for their patients to reduce and resolve chronic pain or other persistent symptoms.


We are therefore delighted to have been able to work with our Medical Advisor, Dr Sarah Hadfield, GP & Mind-body Medicine Practitioner, to develop this introductory course for GPs and other frontline practitioners, presenting the neuroscience behind symptoms and conditions rooted in nervous system dysfunction - and offering advice and guidance on how to identify, diagnose and support patients with these conditions.

​Statistics tell us that over 40% of GP visits in the UK are for conditions such as persistent pain, fatigue including ME/CFS or long covid, or digestive issues, which often do not respond well to conventional medical treatments. This can lead to challenges and frustrations both for the patient and the healthcare providers trying to support them. However, the latest neuroscience evidences that such conditions are often rooted in nervous system dysfunction, in response to trauma or stress – and require a nervous-system-informed approach to treatment. An improved understanding of the root causes of these conditions, and of how to support patients to address and resolve their symptoms through nervous system regulation and the ‘re-wiring’ of neural pathways, could therefore have a significant impact on patient outcomes and on general practice services. 

Developed and presented by Dr Hadfield, and CPD-accredited by the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine (BSLM), this professional short course aims to: 


  • support GPs and other healthcare practitioners to better understand the root causes of these ‘hard to treat’ chronic conditions;

  • support practitioners in recognising and diagnosing neurophysiological or 'mind-body' conditions;

  • offer advice and guidance to practitioners on supporting and signposting patients with these conditions, through a neuroplastic/mind-body approach.


Course Format

Short written articles plus a 3-part video series.


Course Duration

Approximately 1.5 hours. 


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Course Cost

£30, or £25 for BSLM members (available through their members' site).  Group discounts available for groups of practitioners working together in a clinical setting such as a surgery or GP cluster.  Please contact us on for more information on group purchase options, or for any other questions.

Curable App - 6-week Free Trial Now Available!

2 March 2024

Living Proof is delighted to now be able to offer a 6-week free trial of the Curable app!  As we recommend this pain-recovery app so frequently, we decided to establish an affiliate relationship with the folks at Curable. This means you can access the app for  6 weeks for free, then get a 50% discount on your first year's subscription (cancellable at any time) - and we get US$15 each time somebody signs up - all of which will directly support our activities as a not-for-profit organisation. It's a win-win!

The Curable app allows you to access research-backed pain-science education and recovery practices in your pocket. The app combines bite-sized lessons on pain science

with a range of neuroplastic techniques designed to support recovery, including meditations, visualisations, expressive writing activities and brain-training practices.  Even if your symptoms are non-pain-related, the science behind Curable can still help you - as it has helped us. Many of us here at Living Proof used Curable in our own recoveries from chronic conditions - including fibromyalgia and ME/CFS, and we genuinely believe it is one of the best resources out there.


To access your 6-week free trial, click here

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How To Find Freedom from Chronic Pain & Illness - the Neuroplastic Way

In-Person Workshop, Saturday 2nd March 2024, 2-4pm, Dundee


Have you been struggling with chronic pain, fatigue or other ‘unexplained’ symptoms which have not responded to conventional medical treatment? Feel you’ve tried everything and nothing works? Or maybe your doctors simply can’t find anything wrong – but you know there must be an answer out there.


Come along for this afternoon workshop generously hosted by V&A Dundee to look at the latest science and practices behind chronic pain and other ‘unexplained’ chronic illnesses, which are now helping thousands around the world recover from such conditions.

Delivered by facilitators who have themselves recovered from years of debilitating chronic illness with this science, the workshop will provide informative presentations, practical experience of the tools you can use to treat your symptoms to enable you to take those first steps to recovery.  There will also be plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion.


Tea and coffee will be available. The venue is fully accessible.


More info and bookings here.

'Stories of Hope' Live Event, 6.30pm, 16 Jan 2024, Dundee

An informal evening hearing real-life recovery stories from chronic pain and ME/CFS – conditions that we are often told are ‘untreatable’.

Following Living Proof's hit success event at the 2023 Edinburgh Fringe, Dr Barbara Phipps, Edinburgh-based GP and Living Proof medical advisor, will host an evening of real-life stories of recovery and hope from chronic pain and illness. Like many GPs, Dr Phipps struggled for decades with her 'difficult-to-treat' cases, chronic conditions for which modern medicine does not offer effective solutions. But in the last couple of years, she has discovered a new scientifically-backed approach which is helping thousands to recover from such conditions outside mainstream medicine. Three such people will each share their recovery stories from chronic pain and ME/CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), along with an overview of the science that enabled them to regain their lives.


Generously hosted by V&A Dundee, and supported by SIRPA, this event will be informal, 'chat-show' style, with plenty of time for questions from the audience. £10/£8 unwaged.


More info & tickets here (price includes refreshments after the event, where participants will be available for further conversation.)

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Announcing Our Inaugural 'Mindbuddy Online' Peer Support Course
6-session online course, Sept-Nov 2023, £60

Mindbuddy Online is a 6-session virtual course for UK-based people using a neuroplastic (mindbody) approach to treat chronic pain and other persistent symptoms which haven’t responded to conventional medical treatment.


The aim of the course is to provide a friendly and supportive space for peer-to-peer sharing, conversations and encouragement. This format is based on the principle that discussing together and supporting each other is a great way to help you learn and to help rewire your neural pathways towards wellbeing and away from pain and illness.


Each session will include a brief presentation on an aspect of the neuroplastic approach to recovery - and content will build across the 6 sessions. The rest of the session will be devoted to small-group discussions and sharing.


The course will be hosted on Zoom and will be facilitated by Living Proof recovered volunteers with a good understanding of the science, theory and practice of the neuroplastic approach.


Please see our Eventbrite page for more information on dates and eligibility, and to book your place.

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Dani Fagan,



*Medical disclaimer: The facilitators of the Mindbuddy groups are not medically trained, and information from this course should not be taken as formal medical advice. The neuroplastic approach is not intended to treat recognised conditions that have clear diagnostic tests, such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes, heart conditions, organ damage or failure, rheumatoid arthritis, cancers, or infections.

Living Proof Live at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival!

A first for all of us – we are hosting a live show at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival!  Dr Barbara Phipps, Living Proof Medical Advisor, will be chatting with Louise McAllan, Penny George and Carolyn Neeson, who between them have recovered from a range of conditions including chronic pain, ME/CFS and fibromyalgia.  They will share their experiences of recovery and their hopes in sharing this incredible science with others.  Show running for one night only, Wed 9th August at 7pm.  Come along and tell all your friends!  More info and booking here:

Launching Mindbuddy Online Support Groups
28th June 2023

We are delighted to be launching Mindbuddy Online, a zoom-based peer-to-peer support forum for UK-based people who have an understanding of the neuroplastic (mindbody) approach and and are working to shift chronic pain or other symptoms. 


Mindbuddy Online’s launch session will take place 6-7.30pm on Wednesday 28th June, and will be hosted by Penny George, Living Proof director, and Sarah Howarth, Living Proof ambassador – both of whom have experienced their own full recoveries from chronic conditions. The aim is to provide a safe space for people at similar stages of their recovery journey to support each other with ideas, advice and encouragement. Penny and Sarah will act as moderators to keep the conversation on track and to offer additional pointers if needed.

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Up to 12 spaces are available, with a requested donation of £5-£10. All income will directly support future Living Proof activity.  To be eligible to join, you must have an understanding of the basics of the neuroplastic approach e.g. by having familiarised yourself with at least one of the resources listed on the Living Proof website; and you must be at least 50% convinced that your symptoms are neurophysiological (mindbody) in nature. Before booking, you will also be asked to read and sign up to a set of simple ‘ground rules’, to help us make sure we create the right kind of space to support people.  If this all sounds like you, please click here to book your spot! 

Following the launch session, we anticipate running a series of six sessions – more info to follow on those in due course.  If there is sufficient demand, we may continue Mindbuddy Online beyond this as well.

We can’t wait to see you there and to hopefully help you along on your journey towards full health again.

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Mindbuddy Groups

Living Proof launched in-person 'Mindbuddy Groups' in December 2022. These are informal meet-ups for people who have recovered, or are on their way to recovery, via the mindbody approach, with a good understanding of the approach and some solid results so far from applying the techniques. 

The groups offer a space for recoverees with shared experience of successfully applying these techniques to support each other to help keep their minds and bodies in good health, and where they can make some new like-minded friends!


Details below for upcoming meet-ups in Fife and London - and get in touch if you would be interested in setting up a new group!

First Mindbuddy Scotland meeting on 10 December 2022

Mindbuddy London

Thursday 18th May 2023, 7-9pm, in central-ish London.  To find out more or book a spot, please contact Charli.


Mindbuddy Scotland

Saturday 10 June 2023, 12.30-2.30pm, in Dundee.  For more info, please contact Penny.  Future meetings will be in different locations around the central belt, so if you can’t manage this one, keep your eyes peeled for the next one.


(Please note, we anticipate launching Mindbuddy Online later in 2023 - online facilitated peer-to-peer support sessions specifically for those who are still struggling with symptoms.  Sign up to our newsletter here to hear the latest.

Launch of Living Proof
24 September 2022

We were incredibly excited to have the opportunity to launch Living Proof at the Royal Society of Medicine in London on Saturday 24 September 2022, as part of the SIRPA Conference on Chronic Pain: Cutting Edge Research and Its Clinical Applications.


This was a great day with many of those who have been involved in our work meeting in person for the first time, due to covid restrictions in recent years. We were privileged also to be able to share our second short film at the conference, telling Fiona's story of recovery after 14 years of ME/CFS. The film went down a storm, and we have been delighted with the incredible feedback since then - our main hope being that it has started some people on their journey out of this crippling condition.


The photo shows many of the Living Proof team including co-founders 

Penny and Dan, film 'stars' Charli and Fiona, film creators Umisha and Onkar, and one of our medical advisors, Dr David Clarke.

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The information in this website has been checked for accuracy by our medical advisory team.

Living Proof Enterprises Community Interest Company, registered company ltd by guarantee, Registered in Scotland SC735862.

Designed by Tartan Kipper © 2024

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